So here’s part 2 of 3 to my Panning Shots video! I have to admit I’m not the best teacher, but I’m trying my best at it here.
In this video, I explain a little bit about shutter speed and show what Mic im using for audio. Obviously, it’s not a real dead cat..lmaoooo
Soo me clear up what I was actually trying to say. When you shoot at 30 fps, you get more of a cinematic film type movement with a lil natural motion blur, BUT when you shoot at 60 fps. It’s more of an active movement with less motion blur, it’s actually good for slowing down video as well.
So also in this video.I’m talking about the one hundred and 180°shutter rule.. And that rule is if you’re shooting at 30 fps, then your shutter speed is double that at 1/60. And the same goes, if you’re shooting at 60 fps You double it and have your shutter speed as close at 1/125 u can get it. (Varies on cameras.)
I also want you guys to notice that I shot in landscape, but I cropped to put it vertical as well!
I know in the first part I was talking about pictures, but here it took a little bit of video..IM SRY..🤣🤣
Part 3 will be pictures.So Stay tuned.I’m sorry for jumping all over the place. Like I said, Im pretty new to this teaching thing, but I hope you guys enjoy it regardless!